1. The following Regulations apply to all customers. Anyone who has read and accepts our Regulations may place an order for printing services. Customers bear full legal responsibility for the content and form of projects and materials sent for printing (text and graphics), also for possible infringement of copyright and any other rights. Betmor Sp. z o. o. does not disclose contact details of its clients to third parties. We will use this data only for contacts needed when executing orders, settling fees for executed orders, deliveries to the address indicated, informing you about important changes in the offer, as well as marketing activities in accordance with applicable law. (Act of August 29, 1997 on the protection personal data with applicable changes.) By accepting the Regulations, the Customer agrees to receive information by electronic means, in accordance with the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws No. 144 of 2002, item 1204)
2. Projects or materials for commissioned projects should be sent to the FTP server. Only files smaller than 10mb can be sent to an e-mail account. Please remember that the names of the files and/or directories in which you place the projects contain the name of the company and the format of the order. Files sent for implementation are treated as the final version. Damaged files, i.e. files that do not open, cannot be imported, saved in an unsupported format, contain viruses, do not meet the requirements for printing – cannot be processed, we will inform you about this fact immediately after checking the files, but not later than the date of order completion. After the implementation has started, no changes to the projects or cancellation of the order are possible. In special cases, Betmor Sp. z o. o. may refuse to execute the order, without giving reasons after getting acquainted with the project or details of the order, no later than the date of order execution.
3. Delivery times for orders are given in working days. A working day is understood as any day except for Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and other non-working days.
4. In the case of payment by bank transfer and electronic payment, the deadline for the execution of the order is counted from the date of: – Placing the order. – Posting the receipt of the order fee on our account. – Sending (or accepting) a correct design for printing by 9.00 a.m. on a business day, provided that all the above conditions are met.
5. In the case of payment on delivery, the deadline for the execution of the order is counted from the date of: – Placing the order. – Sending (or accepting) a correct design for printing by 9.00 a.m. on a business day, provided that all the above conditions are met.
6. The completion date may be extended if the Customer requires any changes to the project and significant changes in the mode and method of order execution, e.g. – Change of any work parameters (type of paper, size, method of bookbinding and others). or Method of delivery. – Any other changes to the original order. The introduction of such changes may be subject to additional costs, not included in the price lists, which will have to be accepted by the Customer. If the Customer does not accept the additional costs, the order is executed in its original wording.
7. Each time the possibility of introducing any changes to the order once accepted for execution must be confirmed by the employee in writing or by e-mail.
8. Betmor Sp. z o. o. is not responsible for delays in implementation resulting from reasons beyond the control of the contractor. In each case of delays in the implementation, the Customer is informed about this fact at the latest on the day of order execution.
9. Sending projects and files is necessary to complete the order. Projects or materials for commissioned projects should be sent to the FTP server. Only files smaller than 10mb can be sent to an e-mail account. Please remember that the names of the files and/or directories in which you place the projects contain the name of the company and the format of the order. Files sent for implementation are treated as the final version. The basic format of accepted works is pdf. When preparing a file for printing, the error tolerance of the cutter, which may be up to 2 mm, should be taken into account. Works can be sent in open files from graphic programs, in which case we are not responsible for errors resulting from the difference in the software version. The data carriers on which the projects are delivered are not sent back and are not archived. The client’s intellectual property contained in files sent via FTP can be protected against access by third parties only when these files are sent to an individual FTP account (we can create such an account in exceptional cases at the client’s request, if the client has included such a requirement in a separate cooperation agreement ). We cannot provide this protection for a public FTP account.
10. Delivery of orders. Delivery date = the amount of the time of printing and the time of delivery of the subject of the order by the courier company. Details on the terms of delivery are available at www.dpd.com Betmor Sp. z o. o. is not responsible for any damage, loss or delay of shipments during transport. If the product is not delivered for reasons beyond the control of the contractor and the deliverer, the buyer is charged with the cost of re-shipment.
11. Complaints regarding damage to shipments in transit should be reported to the courier at the time of receipt of the goods. The receiving person is obliged to draw up a complaint report with the participation of the courier of the forwarding company delivering the shipment and immediately notify it in writing. Complaints that do not meet the above procedure will not be considered. Decisions on the scope and size of complaints regarding shipments depend solely on the courier company. If the reason for the complaint is differences in the color of the received product in relation to expectations, the condition for pursuing a complaint is sending a proof before printing (certified digital proof or cromaline).
12. Complaints regarding the quality of products or services should be submitted within 7 days of delivery. Complaints must be sent in writing by email or post, giving a detailed description of the defect and the invoice number. Within 7 days of submitting the complaint, 100% of the claimed expenditure should be delivered to us, to the address of the registered office of Betmor Sp. z o. o. Exceeding the deadlines specified here results in the automatic rejection of the complaint. The cost of returning the advertised goods throughout the country, if the complaint is accepted, is covered by Betmor Sp. z o. o. Within 14 days, the complaint will be considered and our employee will inform the customer about how to solve it. The reason for the complaint cannot be the difference in colors between the way they are displayed by most monitors and the print, because such a comparison is technologically incorrect. In the event of a negative consideration of the complaint, we return the claimed materials at the customer’s expense.
13. The printing house has the right to return the advance payment within 14 days from the moment of canceling the order
14. The projects that you order from us are part of the order for the printing of the ordered product. Our company owns the copyright to the projects and their transfer is possible, but for an additional fee.
15. In the event of resignation from the design or corrections made by the Printing House, the cost of preparing preliminary designs will be charged.
16. A maximum quantity difference of +/- 2% in relation to the order placed is allowed. In the case of products with registers, spiral binding, the acceptable quantity difference is +/- 8%, in this case the final invoice is reduced by the number of missing items, multiplying their value by the unit price.
17. Personal data protection Placing an order is tantamount to the Customer’s consent to the storage and processing of their personal data for marketing purposes by Betmor Sp. z o. o. in accordance with the provisions of the Act of August 29, 1997 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926, as amended). Any data provided by the Ordering Party may not be made available to other entities without its knowledge and consent. By placing an order, the Ordering Party confirms that by providing Drukarnia Betmor Sp. z o. o. materials needed to perform the order does not violate the provisions of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights (Journal of Laws of 2006, No. 90, item 631, as amended). All responsibility for non-compliance of the submitted materials with the given act shall be borne by the Ordering Party. The data administrator is Drukarnia Betmor Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Poznań, ul. Chlebowa 16. The data administrator archives them for accounting and marketing purposes and has the right to delete these personal data without the obligation to inform the Customer in advance.